My Story of Health and Wellness

Nakea Fournier

I have always been passionate about nutrition and self-care. But really had my wakeup call in 2018, even though I knew how to eat well and have a healthy lifestyle. Having a full-time career and 2 small children I was not always making the best choices and have had my share of late nights! Working a stressful and emotionally draining job I finally got the push I needed and realized what I was meant to do with the rest of my life.

2018, I’m a mother of 2 young children and an office manager/ Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary at a thriving Dental office.

Stress was a huge part of my everyday life. I never missed a day of work, one day when I woke up, I felt like my head was about to explode I took an over-the-counter decongestant and went to work, after a few hours I knew something was very wrong, not only did my head hurt but my sinuses were on fire and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. At lunch I went to Urgent care and they immediately called an ambulance to bring me to the hospital. They were sure I was having some sort of cardiac episode. After a night in the ER and multiple tests nothing was found to be wrong, although my heart was still racing no one could figure out why. I was prescribed medication and sent home.

Things did not get better the medication only made things worse. I had dizzy spells and I could not go even one day without suffering an anxiety attack, I was a complete mess.

My Path to Health and Wellness

One day my niece said she saw my Aura, it was a dark purple color, my sister explained that it was blocked energy, a spiritual disconnection, I burst into tears, that is exactly how I felt, like I was stuck, and I did not know what to do no one did it was like my body was trying to tell me something but what?

I started looking into ways I could heal what was broken, I tried acupuncture, I learned to meditate and do breathing exercises as well as started eating a nutritious diet and it completely changed my life. Changing my daily habits changed my life. The most important lesson I learned is that given half a chance your body will heal itself and I was doing the opposite. I kept taking away from my body and not restoring its main source of health and wellness. By over working my body and not taking time to replenish myself, being constantly stressed my body was desperately trying to tell me to wake up and stop ruining the only body I have.

I got the message and not only healed myself, I started on my journey of becoming a nutritional health coach. My realization of how you live your life and the choices you make can either keep you healthy and happy or sick and miserable. That is why I am passionate about creating a nutritional mindset creating the health, happiness and life you deserve.

Keep it simple, Nakea Fournier INHC

Nakea Fournier health coach
health and wellness

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